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E3 Fitness – E3|60Elite (RX’d) Teams of 2 20 Rope Climbs (split as desired) 40/32 Calorie Row (each at the same time) (2 Rowers) 60 Clean and Jerks (135/95) (split as desired) Individual option: 10 Rope Climbs 40/32 Calorie Row 30 Clean and Jerks...


E3 Fitness – E3|60Elite (RX’d) 19.3 For time 200′ Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35) 50 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step-up (50/35)(24/20) 50 Strict Handstand Push-ups 200′ Handstand Walk


E3 Fitness – E3|60Elite (RX’d) Teams of 2 4 Rounds 40 Synchro Air Squats 20 GHD situps (each) or 20 V-Ups (Partner holds a plank on elbows) 40 Pull-Ups (split as desired) Individual Option: 4 Rounds 40 Air Squats 20 GHD situps (each) or 20 V-Ups 20...

Black Widow

E3 Fitness – E3|60Elite (RX’d) Every min (10 minutes) 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike or 12/10 Calorie Echo Bike


E3 Fitness – E3|60100 Double Unders 20 Thrusters (95/65) – @5:00 – 90 Double Unders 18 Thrusters (95/65) – @10:00 – 80 Double Unders 16 Thrusters (95/65) – @15:00 – 70 Double Unders 14 Thrusters...

Hawk Eye

E3 Fitness – E3|60Snow Day 011721 4 Rounds 16 Air Squats 16 Sit Ups -Rest 3:00 B/T Sets- 4 Rounds 12 Jumping Air Squats 12 Hand Release Push Ups *BACKPACK OPTION: 4 Rounds 16 Backpack Back Squats 16 Backpack Sit Ups -Rest 3:00 B/T Sets- 4 Rounds 12 Backpack Back...